Official launch of the MENAWET project

MENAWET is a new cross-sectoral project whose main mission is to protect and restore wetlands and freshwater ecosystems in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, supported by Living Planet Morocco, Ishara Conseil and the Royal Society for Nature Conservation of Jordan, with funding from DIMFE (Initiative launched by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Aage V. Jensen Foundation and the MAVA Foundation), the Coca-Cola Foundation and the UNDP Microfinance program.

The official launch ceremony of the MENAWET project took place on May 13 in Ifrane in partnership with the National Agency for Water and Forests, and in the presence of national representatives of public institutions, associations, research institutes and universities, as well as guests from countries in the MENA region, and was an opportunity to present the 5 strategic axes of the project:

  • Build a strong regional network and facilitate collaboration
  • Support capacity building
  • Improve knowledge and encourage the engagement of young people and women in research
  • Implement wetland restoration activities
  • Develop effective communication and fundraising tools

Remember that the MENA region includes 12 countries among the most affected by water stress in the world, where the average availability of water is 6 times lower than the global average. The worrying situation of the region’s wetlands as well as the alarming forecasts for the next decade require the mobilization of all stakeholders as well as the implementation of urgent protection and restoration activities.